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It’s not always easy to start each day in a light and cheery mood. While optimism and a positive attitude come more naturally to some, everyone – even the most naturally upbeat among us – goes through periods of boredom, dissatisfaction, or depression.
As for me, I’ve been in an emotional rut lately. As I brainstormed ways to help me nip these negative mood spirals in the bud, I came up with this daily tarot spread for positivity.
I’ve been doing this simple three-card tarot spread every day and it helps me take stock of what I have to be happy about every day. These positive, affirmative thoughts are essential ingredients to turning a mood around, especially if negative thoughts like anger or irritability come more easily to you. If that’s you, I highly suggest making this tarot spread part of your daily routine.
What makes a great daily tarot spread
1. It should be simple.
First and foremost, daily tarot spreads must be simple and straightforward. Ain’t nobody doing a Celtic cross for themselves every single day, morning after morning. That just doesn’t make sense! It’s overkill.
The point of a daily tarot reading is a short and sweet check-in with your intuition – your highest self. So keep it simple so you can do your thing and then move on with your life.
2. Its focus should be narrow.
Second, a daily tarot spread must deal with just that – daily energies. So doing, say, a general Past-Present-Future spread on a daily basis – where the past and the future haven’t changed all that much in a mere 24 hours, doesn’t make much sense to me.
So a daily tarot spread needs to be more sharply focused on the day at hand and not ask huge, expansive life questions.
3. It should feel empowering.
And finally, if you’ve been following me for awhile now, you will not be surprised by my final criterion for an effective daily tarot spread: we are not trying to predict the future. We want to set an intention and feel empowered!
So I’m not asking things like, “What’s going to happen today?” in my daily tarot spreads. I don’t work with tarot to play a round of “let’s test my psychic powers” every day. I don’t think that’s how tarot works. Plus, that question (“What’s going to happen today?”) is really passive and uninteresting to me. It’s not advising you or guiding you in any way, so what even is the point?
(The common rebuttal here is, “Well now you’re prepared.” No you’re not. Prepared for what? “A disaster will happen today,” or “Someone will lie to you today.” Saying “I knew that would happen” after the fact doesn’t mean you were prepared. Guidance or advice for how to respond in a way that is skillful and aligned with your highest self is preparation, and asking “What’s going to happen today?” does not get you that.)
(Related: The Tarot Questions that Lead to Bad Tarot Readings)
Here it is: My Daily Positivity Tarot Spread
Give your cards a good shuffle. Then, when you’re ready, draw three cards – one to reveal each of the following:
- Something wonderful about my life
- Something to be glad about today
- Something to be grateful for today
How this Daily Positivity Tarot Spread has been helping me
Sometimes you need something more than a daily card pull
A lot of people who work with tarot have some kind of daily tarot routine. Some people do a daily draw – a single card pull to help you set your intention for the day to see what energy you might be facing or working with that day.
But sometimes you need something either more specific or more detailed than just a single daily draw. That’s where this option for a daily tarot spread comes in. If you need some kind of gratitude or positivity ritual to start your day to help raise your frequency for the day, this is the perfect daily tarot reading for you.
It’s always a positive message!
I love this spread because it is inherently positive by the way I have framed the positions, which refer to what each card means. Let me give you an example. A few days ago, I drew the 5 of Cups for the first position. Now the 5 of Cups is not typically a “positive” card. It is a card of sorrow and disappointment and pessimism. So how could it possibly be something “wonderful” about my life?
Well, it reminded me of all the sadness and heartbreak I’ve survived in my life! I mean, think back to your very first break-up, for example. If you’re like me, you simply could not see life without that person. Your emotionally traumatized brain actually thought that you may not survive this new and unfamiliar and terrible experience. But here I am, still standing! This card reminded me that I have survived dark periods and will do so again. And if that’s not wonderful, I don’t know what is.
(Related: 7 Ways Reading Tarot for Myself Changed My Life)
Finally, you don’t have to do this spread everyday. I happen to like a daily spiritual routine. It puts me in the right headspace to tackle my day. But you can can always keep this spread in your back pocket (or Pinterest board) for when you’re in a funk and want to gain some perspective. Tarot is versatile like that!

Wow! I don’t know much about Tarot cards and this is all so fascinating to me! Thank you for sharing!
[…] [Related: Daily Tarot Spread for Positivity] […]